Tuesday, September 9, 2008


For Years, business and motivational gurus have known that there are basic habits that seem to predict professional success and excellence. There seems to be yearning and desire to achieve success by everyone. We don’t yet have the perfect formula for long life, happiness, and physical health, but a little careful distillation of the massive amount of research on health and longevity reveals that cultivating basic habits will significantly increase the odds of your living long, well and happily – in robust, healthy, weight appropriate body.

Eat your vegetables. You should be able to consume about some grams of carbohydrates a day (depending on your weight and exercise level), and you would have to eat a lot of spinach too. Every major study of long-lived, healthy people shoes that they eat a ton of plant foods. Nothing delivers antioxidants, and fiber like stuff that grow in rich soil. Eat fish and/or take fish oil. The omega-3s found in cold water fish like salmon deserve is quite beneficial for healthy living. They lower the risk of heart disease, they lower blood pressure, they improve mood, and they are good for the brain. And if you are pregnant, they may make your kid smarter.

Connect In virtually, every study of people who are healthy and happy into their 9th and 10th decades, social connections are one of the prime movers in their life. Whether volunteer work, community, family, finding something you care about that is bigger than you, that you can connect with and that involves other people or animals will extend your life, increase your energy, and be happier always.

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